Hospital as installation of medical services can not be separated from the existence of a number of pathogenic microbes. The presence of microbial pathogens may cause nosocomial infections are still scarce, but predicted quite high given the state of hospitals and public health is not so good relative
When the device is on, then power supply will provide voltage to each series block contained in the module. In this module port B is set as output 16x2 LCD. Port C to turn on the UV lamp through SSR driver circuit. The output voltage on port D as a push button. After the time is up, then the UV lamp will die together buzzer sounds and hour meter will stop record UV lamp life time. According to the data obtained for data retrieval time of 1 hour and 30 times the average experiment over 3553 seconds, 47 seconds storage, error of 1,30%, a standard deviation of 1,24 seconds. For the second measurement 3 hours and 10 times the average experiment for 10675 seconds, 125 seconds deviation, error 1,15%, standard deviation of 0,84 seconds. For the third measurement 6 hours 10 times the average time for 21315 seconds, 285 seconds deviation, error 1,31%, standard deviation of 2,88 seconds.