SMP Negeri 5 Purwanegara is one of the schools in Banjarnegara district. The condition of the school that is far from the Centre of the city it makes access to the school is difficult. However, the local children’s passion and interest in learning at high school making it never deserted the registrant. The new admission system that runs at the moment in SMP Negeri 5 Purwanegara done manually recording form in paper, in effect using the new admission form. The condition of the schools location away from the highway and the high interest in children who would like to attend this school, even to children who are at present in the District of Kebumen (South of Banjarnegara district) to make prospective students felt too much preferred the rhyme to register the school date back to the announcement about the hassles and PPBD issued by the school. To facilitate prospective students register and date back to the most recent announcements from school, woke up by discussing the PPDB website Online SMP Negeri 5 Purwanegara. The purpose of this research is to develop new student registration information system on SMP Negeri 5 Purwanegara easy and efficient in management and selection of prospective students. The data collection methods used in this final Task in the preparation are observation, interview. The program is developed using PHP and MySQL. The design is actually using the sublime text. Online-Based New Student Registration Information System in SMP Negeri 5 Purwanegara has been completed using PHP and MySQL.