Vespa is a war vehicle during World War II. Initially Vespa used in times
of war, but along with the development of the Vespa era used as a race vehicle,
touring or daily wear. For the engine itself, the Vespa P150X uses a 2 stroke
engine with a capacity of 150cc.
Analysis on this final project aims to understand how the work is on the
engine and Transmission Vespa P150X and see the difference in the way work
between the Vespa engine with a motorcycle engine in general.
The result data obtained from the analysis of the Vespa P150X engine in
the analysis and the replacement there is a component in the machine that
experienced wear as piston, crankshaft, on the Vespa machine is still using
platinum ignition system and using Conventional AC currents, the transmission
system part using direct power (Gear transmission system), as well as dental
regulator using the conector set on the left handlebar motor, direct mixing of