dc.contributor.advisor | | |
dc.contributor.author | FEBRIANI, KHAFIDHATUL | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2018-08-03T01:48:27Z | |
dc.date.available | 2018-08-03T01:48:27Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2018-03-27 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repository.umy.ac.id/handle/123456789/20336 | |
dc.description | Kewaspadaan universal yaitu tindakan pengendalian infeksi
yang dilakukan oleh seluruh tenaga kesehatan untuk mengurangi risiko
penyebaran infeksi dan pada prinsip bahwa darah dan cairan tubuh dapat
berpotensi menularkan penyakit, baik berasal dari pasien maupun petugas
kesehatan. Petugas kesehatan yang berada di puskesmas wajib menjaga
keselamatan diri dan pasien serta mempunyai pengetahuan yang baik. Dibutuhkan
intervensi berupa edukasi untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan paramedis sebagai
upaya pencegahan infeksi dan keselamatan diri paramedis.
Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan desain penelitian
quasy eksperimental non randomized dengan one-group pretest - posttest design
dengan kelompok kontrol. Teknik sampling menggunakan Non Probability
Sampling dengan purposive sampling. Terdapat jumlah sampel 30 orang
paramedis. Pemberian edukasi diberikan selama 30 menit. Dengan instrumen
penelitian adalah kuisioner berisi pertanyaan seputar materi edukasi.
Hasil : didapatkan nilai p-value=0,008<0,05 menunjukkan bahwa ada
peningkatan pengetahuan yang signifikan antara tingkat pengetahuan sebelum dan
sesudah diberikan edukasi tentang penggunaan jarum suntik terhadap pengetahuan
paramedis di Puskesmas Non Rawat Inap Gedongtengen dan Kotagede I.
Kesimpulan dan saran: terdapat pengaruh edukasi tentang penggunaaan jarum
suntik terhadap pengetahuan paramedis di Puskesmas non rawat inap
Gedongtengen dan Kotagede I. Pemberian edukasi harus diterapkan secara
berkelanjutan dalam upaya pencegahan infeksi dan keselamatan kerja saat
pelayanan. | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | Universal precautions are the action of infection control conduted
by health care practitioner to reduce the risk of infection spreading and based on
the principle that blood and body fluid have the potency to transmit disease, not
only from the patient, but also from the healthcare practitioner. Healthcare
practitioners in public health care are obliged to preserve the safety of themselves,
the ptients, and they need to have good knowledge. Intervention in form of
education is necessary to improve the knowledge of the helathcare practitioner as
an effort to prevent infection and self safety of healthcare practitioner.
Method: This research is a quantitative research using experimental quasy non
randomized research design with one grup pretest-posttest design with
controlgroup. Sampling technique using probability sampling with purposive
sampling. The are 30 healthcare practitioner as samples. Education is given for 30
minutes. Instruments of this research is a questionnaire with the content of
education materials.
Result: This study shows the calculation of P-value= 0.008 < 0.05 indicates that
there is a significant increase of knowledge of healthcare practitioner after given
the intervention in form of education about the use of syringe toward the
knowledge of healthcare practitioner in Gedongtengen and Kotagede I Non
Hospitalization Health Care.
Conclusion and suggestion: education about the use of syringe has the effect
toward the knowledge of healthcare practitioner in Gedongtengen and Kotagede I
Non Hospitalization Health Care. There is the necessity to keep on sustainably
providing education as the effort to prevent infection and for self safety during
service. | en_US |
dc.publisher | FKIK UMY | en_US |
dc.subject | Edukasi, Jarum suntik, Kewaspadaan standar, Pengetahuan Education,Syringes,Knowledge,Universal Precautions | en_US |
dc.type | Thesis
089 | en_US |