This research used descriptive quantitative type. This study used
Nonprobability sampling technique with total sample 62, but minus 3 respondents,
because 3 respondents do not use Instagram account, so the total respondents is 59
students. The data collection technique used questionnaires, documentation and
interviews. The data were collected with Likert scale model questionnaire.
Validity test using Product Moment and reliability test using Alpha Cronbach.
The data analysis technique that used by the researcher are normality data test,
linear regression test, anova test and hypothesis test.
The result of the research shows that there is significant influence between
usage of Instagram social media toward shame morality of students’ class XI of
SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta, as can be seen from value of r count 0,828
bigger than r table with 5% significant level that resulted 0,254. Then at the level
of tendency of use of Instagram social media at students of class XI SMA
Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta included in high category that is equal to 51%.
While at the level of tendency in shame morality of class XI students of SMA
Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta included in the low category that is equal to 66%.
It means that some students are active users of Instagram social media and some
students still do not have the shame in updating the status, uploading photos or
video with the opposite sex and show their private parts (aurat). At the R square
value of 0.001 which means the influence of Instagram social media (X) to
students’ shame morality (Y) is 0.1% and 99.9% influenced by other factors
which do not analyzed in this study. It shows that, Instagram social media is not
the main factor affecting the morality of students, but there are many other factors
that affect student’s shame morality.