Background : Circumcision is to remove the pretium or skin covering the glans
penis so that the glans penis becomes open. This action is the most common minor
surgery performed in the world, usually done by doctors, paramedics or by
circumcision experts or traditional practitioners of circumcision. This
circumcision aims as the implementation of religious shariah or for certain
medical purposes. In Indonesia, almost all of the male population had done
circumcision and most of them was circumcised at the age of 5-18 years. Mass
circumcision is often used as a momentum of society with low economic class to
get circumcised. This study is needed to describe the demographic characteristics
of the mass circumcision participants.
Methods : The research was done using descriptive method to 15 children
respondents who attended the mass circumcision in RS PKU Muhammadiyah
Gamping on 25 December 2016.
Result : Obtained from 15 participants of mass circumcision was found 13
children in the age betwen 5-11 years and 2 children in the age betwen 12-16
years. There were 14 children who were Muslim and 1 was Catholic. The
nutritional status of the participants found that 11 children had normal nutritional
status, while for the rest was very thin 1 children, underweight 1 children,
overweight 1 children and obese 1 children. For the economic status of the
participants in terms of parental income there are 10 people in the lower
economic class and 5 participants of upper class economic status.
Conclusion : There is a conformity of data with previous research on the age and
religion of respondents. However, there are differences in the results of the data
with previous studies on the socio-economic status of the participants.