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dc.contributor.authorNUGRAHA, AGUNG FAJAR DWI
dc.descriptionTujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu: (1) Mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang melandasi pelaksanaan program kemitraan; (2) Mengidentifikasi potensi dan daya dukung dalam pelaksanaan program kemitraan; (3) Menjelaskan proses dan langkah-langkah yang dilakukan dalam pelaksanaan program kemitraan; (4) Mengetahui pengaruh program kemitraan terhadap mutu pembelajaran dan kompetensi guru. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif - kuantitatif (mixed method) dengan model sequential exploratory research. Penelitian model ini pada tahap awal menggunakan metode kualitatif kemudian kuantitatif. Pendekatan Kualitatif yaitu menggunakan metode evaluasi context, input, process dan product (CIPP). Tahap selanjutnya menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif untuk mengetahui pengaruh antara program kemitraan (sister school) terhadap peningkatan mutu pembelajaran dan kompetensi guru. Berdasarkan analisis dan pembahasan penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa program kemitraan dengan sekolah luar negeri (sister school) dalam peningkatan mutu pembelajaran dan kompetensi guru dilatarbelakangi oleh visi sekolah sebagai sekolah terdepan dan juga dilandasi oleh keinginan menjaga eksistensi di masyarakat sebagai branding sebagai sekolah unggul. Program sister school dilaksanakan dengan melibatkan unsur sekolah yang meliputi: Komite Sekolah, Kepala Sekolah, Guru, Tenaga Kependidikan, Siswa dan Wali Siswa serta Masyarakat. Keterlibatan Guru sebagai subjek dalam program ini sangat baik dengan adanya keterlibatan langsung sebagai peserta yang dikirim maupun tidak langsung oleh guru yang lainnya. Program sister school didukung juga dengan adanya pengimbasan keikutsertaan dan jaringan kerjasama antar sekolah Muhammadiyah. Proses pelaksanaan program sister school berdasarkan pada Certificate of Agreement (CoA) dengan sekolah mitra berisi kesepakatan untuk melakukan kerjasama dalam bidang agama, pendidikan, budaya, pertukaran siswa, guru yang meliputi saling bertukar bahan ajar dan belajar, perangkat lunak pembelajaran, kursus, dokumen, hasil proyek, budaya, seni, sains, bahasa, dan manajemen sekolah, namun belum semua poin-poin dalam CoA direalisasikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh antara program sister school terhadap peningkatan mutu pembelajaran dan kompetensi guru. Namun pengaruh tersebut memiliki signifikasi yang rendah. Rendahnya signifikasi pengaruh program sister school terhadap mutu pembelajaran dan kompetensi guru di SD Muhammadiyah Bodon disebabkan faktor pada belum adanya indikator ketercapaian program yang ditetapkan serta belum optimalnya program rencana tindak lanjut yang terstruktur. Kata Kunci: evaluasi program, kemitraan sekolah, sister school, mutu pembelajaran, kompetensi guruen_US
dc.description.abstractThe objectives of this research are: (1) to identify the factors underlying the implementation of the partnership program; (2) to identify potential and supporting capacity in the implementation of partnership program; (3) to describe the processes and steps taken in the implementation of the partnership program; and (4) to find out the effect of the partnership program on the quality of learning and teacher competence. This research uses qualitative-quantitative approach (mixed method) with sequential exploratory research model. This researchmodel in the early stages uses qualitative method then quantitative. Qualitative approach is using context evaluation method, input, process and product (CIPP). The next step uses a quantitative approach to determine the effect of a partnership program (sister school) on improving the quality of learning and teacher competence. Based on the analysis and discussion of the research, it can be concluded that the partnership program with the overseas school (sister school) in improving the quality of learning and teacher competence is basedon the vision of the school as a leading school and also based on the desire to maintain the existence in the community as branding as a favorite school. The sister school program is implemented by involving school elements that include: school committee, principal, teachers, educational staffs, students andstudents’ parents and the community. Teacher involvement as a subject in this program is very good with theirdirect involvement as participants who are sent or not by other teachers. The sister school program is also supported by the involvement of participation and cooperation network between Muhammadiyah schools. The process of implementation of sister school program is based on a Certificate of Agreement (CoA) with a partner school which contains agreements to cooperate in religious, educational, cultural, student exchange, teachers including exchange of learning materials and learning process, learning software, courses, documents, project results, culture, art, science, language, and school management. However, not all the points in the CoA are realized. The results shows that there is an influence between sister school program on improving the quality of learning and teacher competence in SD MuhammadiyahBodon. However, these influences have low significance. The low significance of the influence of sister school program on the quality of learning and teacher competence in SDMuhammadiyahBodonis due to factors in the absence of program achievement indicator that was determined. In addition, formally structured and programmed follow-up action plan is also not optimal yet. Keywords: program evaluation, school cooperation, sister school, quality of learning, teacher competenceen_US
dc.publisherMSI UMYen_US
dc.subjectprogram evaluation,en_US
dc.subjectschool cooperation,en_US
dc.subjectsister schoolen_US
dc.subjectquality of learningen_US
dc.subjectteacher competenceen_US

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