Internalisasi Nilai-Nila Islam Dalam Keluarga Single Parent Pada Anak Usia Sekolah (Stusi Etnografi Single Parent Perempuan Di Dusun Tegalrejo Desa Bawuran Kecamatan Pleret Kabupaten Bantul)
The research aimed at: 1. Learning the condition of single parents in
Tegalrejo, Bawuran, Pleret District, Bantul Municipality; 2. Knowing the
difficulties in introducing Islamic Value internalization in children, 3. Finding
patterns in introducing Islamic values in single parent families.
The type of the research is qualitative using ethnographical approach. The
research location was Tegalrejo, Bawuran, Pleret District, Bantul Municipality,
Yogyakarta Special Territory. The subject of the research were women with
school-age children who had become single parents due to the death of the
husbands, divorce, and women whose husband left without any information over
six months. The data were collected through observation, in depth interview, and
documentation. The data were analyzed using data collection, data classification,
data reduction, data triangulation, and temporary conclusion.
Based on the research result, it can be concluded that: 1. The
psychological condition of single parents in Tegalrejo was very trauma and
disappointment in marriedness. But in the end, they accepted this condition
gracefull and happly live as single parent. 2. Disobey children and the absence of
a father as a leader become difficulty in internalization Islamic Value. 3. The
single parents used five methods of Abdullah Nashih Ulwan namely role
modeling, habituation, advice, attention, and punishment. They also used two
other approaches Qur’an and Sirah Dialog. The methods were chosen with reason
that children would be able to live better.
Key Words: Single parents, Islamic value internalization, Method