Learning is a daily activity for students. Learning takes place in school, at
home, and in the society as well. Motivation is important so that the learning
process can be done continuously. On the other hand, high motivation must be
balanced with religious attitude so that it can be a strong self-control. Intelligent
students but having low religiosity level will lead to sense of emptiness in
psychological development when they are adult. Therefore, the objectives of the
research are: 1) to analyze students’ learning motivation, 2) to find out students’
religious attitude, 3) to find out the influence of learning motivation toward
students’ religious attitude.
The research method used mixed methods approach and this research took
place at SMP Negeri 1 Kalasan. The time of the research was in April-June 2018
involving 32 samples of Grade VIII from the students of sports special class. The
data collection technique used questionnaires, interview, and observation.
Meanwhile, data analysis used data reduction, display, and data verification or
The results of the research are: 1) Students’ learning motivation at SMP
Negeri 1 Kalasan is categorized in high category (77.97%) in all indicators. It is
proven by the score of learning motivation indicator on driving force (88.28),
learning activity (73.24), environment support (80.47), direction and intention
(81.51), and behavior change (71.35). 2) The religious attitude of SMP Negeri 1
Kalasan students is categorized very high (86.51%). It can be seen from the
religious attitude indicator covering the aspects of faith (95.83), ritual (89.06),
experience (80.08), knowledge (77.73), and practice (89.06). 3) Meanwhile, the
correlation level shows data that is 0.702 meaning that there is a strong correlation
between learning motivation and spiritual attitude. On the other hand, the result of
hypothesis test shows the value of tcount on learning motivation variable that is
6.681 while ttable is on the significance level of 5% (α=0.05) and free degree= 30
(32-2) in two-way test is 2.013. Since the value of tcount (6.681) is higher than
ttable (2.013), it shows that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Thus, the test
results conclude that there is a significant influence of learning motivation toward
religious attitude.
Keywords: learning motivation influence, students’ religious attitude