This research aims to study further about Islamic concept on children, their development stages and upbringing pattern in Islamic perspective which comes from Al Qur’an and Al Hadith compared with the concept of psychology as one of the scientific contribution for the success of raising children in accordance with Islamic teaching.
This is a library research with psyicological heurmeneutis approach by revealing texts from Al Qur’an and Al Hadith as well as other relevant data sources which are considered to have psychological contents. Meanwhile the data was analyzed using comparative method and content analysis.
From this research, it can be concluded that there is a difference berween the concept of children in psychology an in Islam. In psychology, children are anyone under 14 years-old whose life still depends on the environment to fulfill both their physical and psychological needs. Anyone who is born from a mother, albeit illegitimately out of wedlock, receives no different legal status or consequences. Meanwhile in Islam, a child is someone who is born within a legitimate marriage between a husband and a wife, because marriage is the only way to be responsible towards their offspring.
Children development stages according to psychology has similarities with Islamic perspective, although they have different basis and sources, for example, the psychological development stages from kohnstamm are as follows: vital stage (nursing) until 1,5 years old, childhood (estetis)stage from 1,5 to 7 years old, school age (intellectual) stage from 7 to 14 years old, adolescence from 14 to 21 years old and adulthood above 21 years old.
In Islamic perspective, the development stage has started since a soul is given to a human being. After birth, the stages are as follows: pre- Thufulah stage (0-7 years old) consists of Shobiy/nursing stage (0-2 years old) and pre-Thufulah (2-7 years old), then post-Thufulah stage (7-14 years old) which consists of Tamyiz stage (7-10 years old) and Amrad (10-14/ young-adult).
THE Islamic upbringing pattern which is in accordance with children development stages starts from early education right after birth. Such a adzan, iqamah, givinf a name, tahnik, circumcision, and aqiqah as well as sustainable education until young-adult stage. By paying attention on children development stages, therefore the approach, upbringing orientation, form and the method used in raising the children will be done in accordance with the children’s development.
Keyword: Psychology, Islam, Children, Development Stages, Upbringing pattern.