Education nowadays mostly emphasize on in intellectual quotient( IQ).Research has found that IQ is not the only factor to hightly influence the achievement, thereare many other factors in with is emotional quotient with learning achievement to moral subject at Muhammadiyah Junior High School Purworejo.
Emotional quotient is one’s ability to know emotion, manage emotion, self- motivate, recognize other’s emotioan ( empathy), and to manage relathionsship with others (cooperate).
Learning achevement is the result of learning activities assessed academically in a from of value morals. If the students had high emotional quotient was related to the learning achievement of moral subject at students grade VII at Muhammadiyah Purworejo proposed in this study showed that Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected.
The free variabel in this research was emotional quotient while learning achievement was the bound variable. The Population in this research was 180 students grade VII at Muhammadiyah Junior High School Purworejo.The sample of this research was 66 students which was collected by using proportional random sampling. The data was collected with the scale of emotional quotient based of Daniel Goleman’s theory consisting of knowing emotion, manage emotion, self- motivate, recognize other’s emotioan ( empathy), and to manage relathionsship with others (cooperate) with other’s and to assess student learning achievement.
The data in this research analyzed by using product moment correlation showed that there was a significant relaion between emotional quotient and students grade VII learning achievement in moral subject at Muhammadiyah Purworejo.The significance score was seen from the significant value tht was 0,021 or above 0,05. This meant that emotional quotient was significantly contributive to improve students grade VII learning achievement in moral subject at Muhammadiyah Junior High School Purworejo.