The inclusive education is one of the educational services for the students with special needs. In order to improve and give equitable educational access for the students with special needs, they need to receive a good quality of education and deserves to get an education without discrimination. In Yogyakarta City, the inclusive education has been mandated in Mayor Regulation of Yogyakarta No. 47 year 2008 about the Implementation of Inclusive Education. Yogyakarta City becomes one of the role model in Indonesia after receiving “Inclusive Education Award” in 2012 from the Indonesian Government. Although they have received the Inclusive Education Award, Yogyakarta City still faces various problems in implementing the policy which are related to inclusive education. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to analyze the implementation of inclusive education by describing the seven aspects that affect the implementation of Inclusive Education Policy in Yogyakarta City.
This research used the qualitative research method to collect the data and information which using a variety of sources, such as interview, journals, books, website and information which is related with this case. The location of this research is in Education Department of Yogyakarta City, SD Negeri Tamansari 1 Yogyakarta, SD Negeri Bangunrejo 2 Yogyakarta, SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta, SMK BOPKRI 2 Yogyakarta, and SMA Negeri 4 Yogyakarta.
Based on the research results, all parties consider that inclusive education policy is successfully implemented despite several challenges. One of the challenges is the lack of understanding concerning the concept of inclusive education by several actors which resulted in discrimination among children with special needs. Also, the facilities and infrastructure does not support the learning process. However, efforts are made to improve the atmosphere of the learning process. The government of Yogyakarta City tried to give socialization program. This includes training for teachers to effectively guide children with special needs. Also, partnership with several actors involved in this program to ensure sustainability is forged. Resource centers were developed too to manage inclusive education activities and lastly, policies were made to protect and preserve the right of the people with disabilities.
In line with that matter, the cooperation between all parties is needed. In order to make a good implementation of inclusive education, all of the parties need to know firstly about the concept of inclusive education. After the concept have been delivered, how can they support each other to exchange information and supply the facilities and infrastructure that can support the learning process of students, with special needs in getting a knowledge. In addition, how they can be aware, brave and willing to serve the students with special needs as same as general students without discrimination.