Based on the discussion on globalization and the actual implement ation of national strategies of various countries to cope with it over the past few decades, I observe in this paper that too much emphasis has been
• put on “neoliberal” globalization. I argue that neoliberal globalization is just one type of globalization, and it is likely that in the future another type of globalization may emerge. “Varieties” of economic, political, and public
administration systems in the world will respond differently to the new wave of globalization. It is essential, therefore, to craft a more prudent national strategy to flexibly and comprehensively deal with different kinds of globalization. I examine how Korea has coped with the challenge of globalization, by analyzing how the latest neoliberal globalization has affected governmental restructuring and policy transformation in Korea since its democratization in 1987. 1 underscore that Korea needs a better national strategy to handle future waves of globalization—potentially of the non-neoliberal nature. I sketch out the main contents of suclia new national strategy primarily focused on the need to build and nurture more effective multisectoral governance system, increasing communicative and collaborative capacity of all the sectors involved.