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dc.contributor.advisorMUKTAF, ZEIN MUFARRIH
dc.contributor.authorPERDANA, ANGGA MAULIA
dc.descriptionYogyakarta besides is a city of culture and tourism, also has the uniqueness of tersendendiri compared to other cities in Indonesia. The large number of students in Yogyakarta is the great opportunity that is used by the culinary businessman looks to the existence of a culinary trend as the lifestyle of students of interest at this time. Despite competitive claims of Japanese culinary in Yogyakarta, forcing the old culinary businesses to innovate in order to maintain its customers. The number of consumers who contended that Japanese cuisine is hard to be accepted by society and also Indonesia's tongue with a relatively expensive price. Then for addressing such culinary businessman ha has to retain customers by creating value in accordance with customer expectations. Viewed from the objective Sushi Story in conducting promotional activities is to improve the branding of Sushi Story, so that promotional activities play an important role in retaining customers. Some things in the promotional activities namely the planning process promotions, promotional activities and media promotion. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods, techniques of data collection is done by the method of interview and study documents. As for the aim to find out how the promotional activities undertaken by the Sushi Story in 2016 in order to retain customers. Based on the research results, the Sushi Story Yogyakarta do promotional activities using the three stages in the planning process, namely promotion by analyzing the situation regarding competitors or market competition. Secondly by determining the purpose of promotion and a third concerning the selection of target market selection or target market. Then the promotional mix are advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, and publicity. In addition to using some of these promotional activities, Sushi Story also use media promotion recently as social media and also the endorsement.en_US
dc.description.abstractBanyaknya pelajar dan mahasiswa di Yogyakarta menjadi kesempatan besar yang digunakan oleh pebisnis kuliner terlihat adanya trend kuliner sebagai gaya hidup pelajar dan mahasiswa yang diminati saat ini. Pesatnya persingan kuliner jepang di Yogyakarta memaksa pebisnis kuliner lama untuk berinovasi agar dapat mempertahakan pelangganya. Banyaknya konsumen yang beranggapan bahwa kuliner jepang itu sulit unuk diterima oleh lidah masyarakat Indonesia dan juga dengan harga yang relatif mahal. Melihat dari tujuan Sushi Story dalam melakukan aktivitas promosi adalah untuk meningkatkan branding Sushi Story, sehingga aktivitas promosi memegang peranan penting dalam mempertahankan pelangganya. Beberapa hal dalam aktivitas promosi yaitu proses perencanaan promosi, aktivitas promosi dan media promosi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode wawancara dan studi dokumen. Adapun tujuannya untuk mengetahui bagaimana aktivitas promosi yang dilakukan oleh Sushi Story pada tahun 2016 guna mempertahankan pelangganya Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, Sushi Story Yogyakarta melakukan aktivitas promosi menggunanakan tiga tahap dalam proses perencanaan promosi, yaitu dengan menganalisis situasi mengenai persaingan pasar atau kompetitor. Kedua dengan menentukan tujuan promosi dan yang ketiga mengenai pemilihan seleksi pasar sasaran atau target market.. Kemudian bauran promosi yang digunakan adalah periklanan, promosi penjualan, personal selling dan publisitas. Selain menggunakan beberapa kegiatan promosi tersebut, Sushi Story juga menggunakan media promosi baru-baru ini seperti media sosial dan juga endorsementen_US
dc.publisherFISIP UMYen_US
dc.subjectAktivitas Promosi, Sushi Story, Media Sosial. Promotional Activities, Sushi Story, Social Mediaen_US
dc.typeThesis SKR FISIP 552en_US

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