Neoliberal was existed in 1980 as one of the perspective of the international relations.
Globalization, investment and trade liberalization are the result of an idea of liberal. ASEAN
economic community was established on 2015, with the spirit of economic integration among
ASEAN member countries, the main target is to lowering economic barriers. ASEAN economic
community is a part of the ASEAN member countries agreements as an application of ASEAN
economic community blueprint, one of the ASEAN economic community goal is to achieve
integrated Southeast Asia diverse economy.
The ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement has contribute to addressing non-tariff measure
in region, this agreement to be committed in terms of liberalizing and protecting cross-border
investment. Thus, the ASEAN Framework on Service has eased restriction to cross-border service
trade in various sector, one of them are construction service. Architectural industry is a profession
who plans, designs and reviews the construction of the building. Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia is a
professional association which provides Indonesian architects opportunities to exchange
information on architecture standard.
Research methodologies that used in this research is qualitative method analysis and utilize
secondary data sources obtained by conducting library research, finding journals, articles, official
statements, and also other source of information related with issue of Indonesia, IAI and AEC.
According to explanation above the author would like to conclude that Indonesia has the
opportunities to win AEC because Indonesia has good quality in terms of human resources on
construction service.