This research aims at analyzing the implementation of musharakah contract at BMT Surya Asa Artha Yogyakarta as well as at elaborating syirkah concept as referring to Imam Syafi’i and incorporating the concept to the implementation of musharakah at BMT Surya Asa Artha Yogyakarta.
This research was done by compiling subject from BMT Surya Asa Artha, those are Management, Manager, and Employee of BMT Surya Asa Artha Yogyakarta. Besides, interview was also done toward the members of musharakah BMT Surya Asa Artha Yogyakarta. Analysis method used in the research was qualitative-descriptive which was a method used on particular data written in form of sentences and later be used draw conclusion.
The result of the research indicated that the implementation of musharakah at BMT Surya Asa Artha Yogyakarta has been comprehensively in accordance with syirkah concept as referring to Imam Syafi’i. This finding was indicated through evaluations given by DPS BMT Surya Asa Artha Yogyakarta, the evaluation itself had been accordance with its principle which is sharia sharia saving and loan cooparative. BMT Surya Asa Artha always puts effort in evaluating and receiving feedback from various academics or practitioners in order to become a cooperative which is truly in accordance with sharia principles.