Background:Schizophrenia is a severe mental illness that happens often in Indonesia and the world. Symptoms of schizophrenia include positive symptoms and negative symptoms. PANSS scale has been used to evaluate severity grade and psychopathologic symptoms in schizophrenics. Treatment for schizophrenia includes pharmacological and non-pharmacological applications. One of the its non-pharmalogical treatment is psychoeducation. Psychoeducation is a form of education and training for people with mental illness that aims for treatment and rehabilitation. This study was done to determine the effect of psychoeducation toward symptoms in schizophrenics in community.
Method:This study has a pre-test and post-test with one group design, with purposive sampling technique. This study acquired 27 respondants of schizophrenics in community health facilities in Playen II, Tempel I, Srandakan, and Temon. Schizophrenics that fit inclution criteria and exclution criteria received intervention for 6 times in 6 weeks. Symptoms in schizophrenics then measured using PANSS questionnaire.
Result:Study analysis usding Wilcoxon test showed post-test score before intervention and post-test score after intervention has a p-0.001. This shows p<0.05 which means psychoeducation effects schizophrenics symptoms in community.
Conclusion:The influence of psychoeducation to the symptom of people with scizophrenia at community does exist.