Reliability is the level of performance success of a system or part of the
system, to be able to provide better results over a certain period of time and under
certain operating conditions. To be able to determine the level of reliability of a
system, can be done by performing calculations and analysis of the success rate or
operation of the system under review, at a certain period and then compare it with
predefined standards.
There are several parameters that can be used to determine the reliability
level of the power distribution system by calculating the average number of
system interruptions during the year or SAIFI, the average duration of system
disturbance index for one year or SAIDI (System Average Drop Duration Index)
and CAIDI (Customer Disruption Duration Length Index).
Based on the calculation and the analysis that has been done, it can be seen
that the reliability value of Biru Substation 150 kV Bantul in the year 2015-2017
can be said not reliable for the value of SAIDI and its CAIDI in accordance with
the standard SPLN No. 68-2: 1986 and IEEE Std 1366-2003. While the value of
SAIFI on the 150 kV Substation of Bantul is only 2017 which can be said reliably
according to SPLN. 68-2: 1986, Whereas according to IEEE std 1366-2003
standard can be said not reliable. The highest frequency and duration of shutdown
occurred in 2016 with SAIFI value of 6.66 times / interruption / year, SAIDI value
93.98 hours / customer / year and CAIDI value 11.28 hours / year.