This research is purposed to reveal the implementation of business ethic at BTM Surya
Umbulharjo. Moreover, this research is also purposed to examine whether the implementation of
the business ethic at the institution has been in accordance with the Muhammadiyah business ethic.
Therefore, the result of this research can be a benchmark to run the business even better.
The method used in this research was qualitative through interview, observation, and
documentation in the data collection. The interviews were conducted to six employees of BTM
Surya Umbulharjo and 1 member of BTM Surya Umbulharjo. The sampling selection used
purposive sampling where the researcher has set certain criteria. In the data analysis, the
researcher used data reduction technique, data display, and conclusion drawing. This
research employed the nine Islamic principles in business (tauhid, amanah, shidq, adalah,
ibahah, ta’awun, maslahah, taradli, dan akhlaq karimah) and the 11 instrumental
value (no gharar, jahalah, maisir, riba, dzalim, dharar, cheating, causing ta’assuf,
monopoly and conglomeration, no haram objects, wise in money use), whereas both
are Muhammadiyah business ethics.
The result of the study shows that BTM Surya Umbulharjo has been
implementing the business ethic in accordance with the Muhammadiyah Islamic
business ethic. The member of BTM also admit the growth in his enterprise after
becoming the member of BTM Surya. This can be interpreted that the existence of
BTM Surya Umbulharjo has positive impact towards its environment, especially the
member. However, there were also some inappropriateness in the implementation of
Muhammadiyah Islamic business ethic in the form of riba and injustice. Moreover,
some employees had not had comprehensive understanding about the Muhammadiyah
Islamic business ethic. Therefore, there is a dire need to increasing awareness of all
stakeholders to implement the business ethic which actually is in accordance with the
Muhammadiyah Islamic business ethic.