Background for this research is the result of observation conducted by the
researcher from 10 July until 10 October 2017 at the PKU Muhammadiyah
Hospital Yogyakarta that shows common preoperative patient experiencing a
mental shock such as fear and excessive worry resulting in anxiety. The aim of
this study is to know the rationale for the formation of the special section in
Islamic Spiritual Care Service in PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital for surgical
patients. This research also aims to : (1) know the factors causing preoperative
patient to experience anxiety; (2) know the strategy of Islamic Spiritual Care to
overcome preoperative patient's anxiety in PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital
Yogyakarta; (3) to know the benefit of Islamic Spiritual Care for preoperative
patient; (4) To know the constraints of Islamic Spiritual Care faced in dealing
with preoperative patient anxiety. This research method is qualitative research
method. Techniques of collecting data in this research are observation, interview,
and documentation.
The results of the research show that: (1) Special section of Islamic Spiritual
Care for preoperative patients with anxiety formed because this function are
needed to entrusted to the spiritual officer who has the criteria of being able to
build communication well and interesting, able to bring peace to the preoperative
patient, and also has many experience in giving service to many patient so that
spiritual officer can develop capabilities to help prevent and solve problem faced
by patient (2) Most preoperative patient experience anxiety feel uncomfortable,
fear, hesitate and worried about ugliness after operation. The anxiety is caused by
lack of experience to hospitalized, afraid of the surgery room, and fear of surgery
result failure. (3) Strategies of Islamic spiritual care in handling preoperative
patient are niat (recite good intention), assessment of patient background,
motivate, pray, and non-verbal strategies. (4) The patient's response to spiritual
guidance services tends to positive. (5) obstacles faced by the provider of Islamic
spiritual care service tend to come from the patient themselves such as. patient
rejection due to their lack of knowledge about the function of Islamic spiritual