Background: The addition of intravenous fluids aims to improve the fluid balance and body
electrolyte. Intravenous therapy is given for fluid replacement, fluid maintenance, drug
administration or other therapeutic substances such as blood, blood products, and
immunoglobulins. In patients with young adulthood is still experience discomfort in the
installation of infusion because of the pain caused. Therapeutic communication often has no
effect because the perception of the infusion action is a painful act. This study tested the
effectiveness of ethyl chloride spray to reduce the pain of infusion in PKU Muhammadiyah
Gamping Hospital.
Method: In this study the method used is Quasi Eksperimental. The population in this study
were patients aged 18 years to 65 years who received infusion treatment. The technique used in
sampling in this research is by purposive sampling technique. The number of study respondents
was 36 which was divided into two groups of 18 controls and 18 treatment groups. Patients who
will be treated with infusion before filling the informed consent sheet and then before the
installation will be given spray ethyl chloride in the area to be infused. After that the patient
assessed the level of pain by using VAS. Patients also calculated their pulse before and during
intravenous therapy.
Results: The mean results of VAS measurements in the control group and the treatment group
showed that the control group had a higher mean score of 4.27 than the treatment group of 2.72.
Based on the statistical test, the value of Asymp.Sig (2-tailed) was 0.041 (<0.05), which means
statistically significant data. The difference of pulse rate of the treatment group is 0.167 lower
than the control group with the result 4,111. The results obtained by Asymp.Sig (2-tailed) are
0.061 (> 0.05) which means the data is not statistically significant.
Conclusion: Giving ethyl chloride spray has an effective effect on decreasing pain level on
infusion instalation as measured by Visual Analogue Scale