In the Southeast Asia region, the problem of migrant workers is a shared responsibility between the sending country and the recipient country of labor. During working migrant workers are vulnerable to human rights violations which include social rights, economic rights, cultural rights, and civil political rights. This is the concern of ASEAN regional organizations to make a new policy related to the protection of migrant workers. Then, ASEAN made a declaration regarding migrant workers, namely the Cebu Declaration. From the Declaration towards a consensus (agreement) with ASEAN member countries takes a long time. Finally, in 2017 the regulation on the protection of migrant workers was agreed, namely the ASEAN Consensus on Protection and the Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers. This research is qualitative by using textual study method by analyzing secondary data from various related literature and from interviewing respondents as practitioners who have direct insight related to the regulation of migrant workers in ASEAN. From the results of the research, empirical data showed that there are several factors which resulted in the agreed upon regulation of the protection of migrant workers in ASEAN, namely the choice of issues contained in the Consensus text was elementary or fundamental and the influence of the strengthening of the ASEAN Way principle.
Keywords: Migrant Workers, Human Rights, Regulation, Declaration, Consensus.