Poverty is a situation that occurs with an inability to meet basic needs such as shelter, food, education adn health. This is one of the causes of economic problems due to weak sources of income. Steamming from various economic issues and welfare, the UN (United Nation) states endorsed 17 goals to eradicate economic and welfare problems whit the SDGs agenda. In realizing this SDGs agenda, the Indonesian government cooperates with participants through four platforms, one of which is a philantropic institution using zakat as an instrument of poverty alleviation.
This study aims to analyze the role of zakat productive in poverty alleviation. The data used in this study are primary data obtained from interviews and secondary data obtained from the documentation and reports that are already available. The sampling technique in this study used purposive sampling. The result of this study is the role of zakat productive is very influential. This is evidenced by the fact that the author met and based on the result of the interview. The success of productive economic empowerment in the Jogja Sejahtera program in three parts of mazakki’s business is also evidenced by the success of a mustahiq who is able to carry out qurban on Idul Adha in 2018.