Pricing is an interaction process between consumers and producers both demand and supply. In the case study of Fuel Petroleum in Indonesia, the pricing of fuel was referred to Government Regulation No.191 th 2014 regarding the Supply, Distribution, and Pricing of Retail Fuel Oil. Ministerial Regulation no. 28 th 2016 on the Acceleration of Implementation One Price for Specific Fuel Type and Special Fuel Type Specific Assignment. The reference price of the fuel prices and the price of Indonesian Crude Oil Price (ICP) regulated on Government Regulation No.55 th 2005. The regulation is motivated by several things such as conditions of demand and supply crude oil, exchange rate changes as well as macroeconomic and international oil prices. Ibn Taimiyah was stated that price level not always caused by kezhaliman, occasionally it could be caused with production levels both domestic and import. Ibn Taymiyyah also mentions the state for intervening in price in case of disaster and others. This study aims to describe Ibn Taimiyah's view on the fuel price mechanism in Indonesia, this type of research is library research using history books, and the theory put forward by Ibn Taimiyah and to collerate with the fuel market mechanism in Indonesia. The research is a descriptive analysis which uses qualitative analysis methods.The results of this study, Ibn Taimiyah provide a clear view of the prices by mean of various considerations. This consideration sees the condition of domestic production, community economy and international oil prices. Ibn Taimiyah also recommends to price intervention to the government if it occurs market disruption. This is reflected in various regulations such as Government Regulation No. 191 th 2014 on retail sale price and fuel subsidy and Ministerial Regulation No. 28 th 2016 concerning the acceleration of one price across Indonesia. Both of the regulation sees the dynamics of the Indonesian economy.