This research is discussed about how communication strategy KBKR field in Cirebon regency on PUP program. The aims of this study are (1) to describe communication strategy of KBKR field on PUP program in Cirebon regency. 2) To describe the response of PIK (Pusat Informasi dan Konseling) head or member about communication strategy of KBKR Field on PUP program in Cirebon regency. This research used descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are carried out through interviews and documentation. Data analysis was performed by analyzing the Miles & Huberman model. Data validity techniques in this research used triangulation techniques through sources and methods.
Lack understanding of Cirebon District adolescents about the importance of determining the age of first marriage and lack information on adolescent reproductive health that cause promiscuity among adolescents. In responding to the existing problems, the KBKR Division made a PUP program to provide understanding to adolescents to avoid the influence of the KRR Triad (sexuality, drugs, HIV / AIDS). Thus teenagers can reach the age of first marriage above the ideal age of 20 years for women and 25 years for men.
The results of the study found that the communication strategy in the KBKR field in informing the PUP program was to set competency standards for communicators and used mass media. Messages conveyed include Marriage Age Maturity, Adolescent Reproductive Health, and so on. To support PUP program activities, the KBKR field utilizes electronic media and print media as supporting media in delivering the message to teenagers in Cirebon Regency, but the language used is still considered too scientific so that not all messages are understood by PIK-R/M participants. This is because the KBKR field only focuses on the contents of the message delivered and does not design the method of delivering the message. Then there are still obstacles and weaknesses in informing the PUP program, namely the lack of face to face socialization activities on PIK-M and inappropriate use of mass media.