Background : Elderly were the final stage of human life growth that various physical and psychosocial changes. One result of this change was the risk of falling. The risk of falling in the elderly were influenced by intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors.
Objective : To analyzed the factors that influence the elderly with the risk of falling on the elderly at Posyandu Ngudi Rahayu.
Research Method : This research used quantitative research with cross sectional approach. Sampling with purposive sampling counted 41 people. Data collection used questionnaires. Methods of data analysis used chi square. The research was conducted at Posyandu Ngudi Rahayu Gedongkiwo.
Results : The result of bivariate analysis showed that there was age correlation with risk fall (p value 0,042), increasing of human age decreasing to do daily activity. There was no history of disease relationship with risk of fall (p value 0,291), there are 20 elderly with no history of disease so low risk to fall. Results of the primary data from the MMSE questionnaires of 20 respondents fall into low cognitive categories and low risk to fall, so the results of this study there was no relationship cognitive function with the risk of fall (p value 0.141). Elderly who do not used the walker and still active in performing daily activities low risk to fall, so that from analysis result there was no relation of road tool with risk of fall (p value 0,176). Safe and comfortable environment for the elderly at low risk to fall, so in this study there was no environmental relationship with the risk of falling (p value 0.121).
Conclusion : The results of this study can be concluded that there was a relationship between age with the risk of falling on the elderly in Posyandu Ngudi Rahayu Gedongkiwo Mantrijeron Yogyakarta.
Suggestion : It is expected that the elderly seek information about prevention guidance to fall from mass media, counseling and follow posyandu activity to prevent the increase of incidence of fall in elderly