Billboards are derived from Arabic, which means conveying, what is conveyed is an implied message, advertisement, promotion or notification that is known to the public. Billboards are a promotion suggestion that has the element of reporting information on activities related to the wider community, also used to advertise a new product. Behind the benefits that can convey information to road users, but the billboard itself also has a level of risk that can also endanger the road users themselves, if the installation of the billboard is installed carelessly.The purpose of this study is to identify billboards that have the potential to cause disasters for road users in each T-junction and the intersection on the west Ringroad Road Sleman Regency. The type of research that will be used is observational qualitative research, namely research by looking directly at the research obejek in the field in accordance with the rules set by the parties concerned.The percentage value for small size billboards is 10%, the size of billboards is 43% and large billboards are 15%, while billboards that are not included in the regulations are 32%. percentage values for billboards with longitudinal direction of 67% and billboards with transverse direction of 33%. obtained percentage values for billboards with a distance of less than 1.5 meters by 59% and billboards with a distance of more than 1.5 meters by 41%.The findings in the field include billboards that are too close to electricity poles, billboards are above residents' buildings, billboards are too close to the road, billboards are above parks or green lines, and billboards are above the sidewalk.