PT Pusri Palembang shows their social responsibility and concern on the environmental development programs (BL) that are part of PKBL. Presenting charity programs is a challenge for the company because it can produce varying levels of satisfaction from the community, thus it needs good community relations management pattern.
This study aims to describe the management of PT Pusri Palembang community relations through the community development program (BL). the researcher used descriptive qualitative method with eight data informants collecting interviews, including community leaders, the general public, and BL. Besides that data collection also uses document studies.
The result of the research that has been done are, in meeting the needs of the surrounding community that has been mapped, BL packs it into four of the seven aspects, namely, social (economic), education, health, then facilities and infrastructure, this based on the law of the Ministry of BUMN and social mapping from consultant. With five stages of management ranging from identification to evaluation. The programs presented so far have led to a positive public perception of the company, due to community feel they have been helped enough. Although in the management stages there are some things that are not optimal such as technical, communication, and evaluation. Researchers found that BL had not done the priciple of community relations ideally, where the principle applied refers to the principle of the old defensive approach. One characteristics of this principle was the communication and collaboration between the company and the main community in managing social relationship had not optimal