Background : Hypertension is one of the most common drivers of non communicable diseases, which is also included in the list of the leading mortality causes, exceeding up to 25.8% as stated by the Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) or Basic Research on Health in 2013. Hypertension refers to the elevation of blood systolic blood pressure above 140 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure above 90 mmHg. Hypertension occurs with or without any exact clinical symptoms, and is only indicated by the vascular damages in patients who have been suffering from this disease for years. Clinical symptoms might occur in the forms of headache followed by nausea, vomiting, intracranial blood pressure elevation, blurred vision due to damages in retina, nocturia, and edema as resulted by increase in capillary pressure.
Objective : To find out any correlation between hypertension and migraine prevalence.
Research Method : This is a non-experimental research done using the analytic observation in the form of a cross sectional research conducted to certain population within certain period of time. There were 55 subjects of this research who were classified into two groups; hypertensive patients grade 1, and grade 2 in the Neurology Polyclininc of PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Gamping Yogyakara. The diagnose of migrain is based on International Headache Society.
Result: This observation on 55 subjects with hypertension which has 9 subjects that diagnosed migraine and 46 subjects are not migraine diagnosed. The result of this research showed no significant correlation existed between hypertension and migraine prevalence as shown by the result of the data analysis using SPSS program which has p = 0,073 (p > 0,05).
Conclusion : There is no meaningful correlation between the stages of hypertension in respondents and migraine prevalence.