The video game is one of entertainment media that is popular for all ages such as
children, teenagers, and adults. Based on the researcher`s observation in English Language
Education Department at a private university in Yogyakarta, there were some students who
play video games using various media. The students who play the video game feel some
improvement in English skill and get new vocabulary from playing games. Based on the
phenomenon, the researcher interested to conduct this research. The aims of this research are
to know the student`s perception on playing video games for English language learning
based on the student point of view. In this research, the researcher formulates two research
questions. First, what is the student`s perception on the benefits of playing video games for
language learning? Second, how do video games influence the student`s English language
skill? In the literature, the researcher used some literature from some previous researchers to
support the material in chapter two.In this research, the researcher used a qualitative research
design and used the interview to collect the data. the criteria of the participant are the student
of English Language Education Department batch`s on 2015, the student who has experience
and often playing video games and feel some improvement on their English from playing
video games. Based on the data which have been collected by the researcher, Video games
can give some benefits and influence student`s language skills. First, the benefits students
get from playing video games are increasing the student`s vocabulary, increasing the
student`s motivation in learning, having exposure to English language conversation and
facilitating English language acquisition. Second, the researcher found that video games
influence the student`s language skill on improving the student reading, speaking, and
listening skill by playing video games that use instruction/subtitle, voice chat, games chat,
virtual character conversation, and narrator.