Economic valuation in Prambanan Temple Compound is an important issue in result of increasing
tourism activities in cultural heritage sites. Tourism activities in the cultural heritage sites can
generate benefits for the economy but also can cause negative impacts on sustainability of cultural
heritage in the area. Assessing the ecsnomics value sf Prambanan Temple Compound will lead to
implement sustainable tourism management to prevent exploitation of cultural heritage. This study
aimed to determine factors that influence demand and individual willingness-to-pay in Prambanan
Ternple Compound, economic value of this site, and sustainable tourism scenarios which is best
applied in this site. This study is expected as a consideration among tourism stakeholders in
formulating sustainable tourism development strategy in Prambanan Temple Compound and also to
determine the economic value in the Prambanan Temple Compound, which both of them associated
with sustainable tourism management as a way to prbvent excessive exploitation caused by high
tourism activities in this area. This study using two methods, namely Travel Cost Method and
Contingent Valuation Method. The economic value obtained from the method of travel cost
amounted Rp.3.026.701.500.108 and the results obtained from the Contingent.Valuation Methods
with varying level of scenarios are Rp.176.680J67.077 to Rp.2L9.315.349.218. This value higher
than gross revenue frorn admission which only gained Rp. through 20L4. This study
found that there is a potential economic scenario to gain more revenue for the management when
the management could enhance temple compound conservation and services.