A leader is an individual who prossess the capability and superiority in influencing other people to work together in order to achieve specific goals. The successfulness of a leadership depens on the leader’s capability in defening organizational policies. With a good communication skill, a leader’s responsibilities would be achieved appropriately. Communication ia a representation of a culture. Communication and culture are two inseperable entities. What we are talking about, how we are talking about, what we are seeing, what we are listening to, and what we are thinking about, how we are talking culture. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to describe: 1) The public communication style of Professor Doctor KH. Ma’ruf Amin in his activities as a religious public figure. 2) The public communication style of Professor Doctor KH. Ma’ruf Amin in his activities as a vice president candidate in presidetial election. The approach of this research was descriptive qualitative with observation and library research data collection technique. The data were collected using Roland Barthes Semiotic analysis model. The research result shows that: 1) During his activities as a religious public figure, Professor Doctor KH. Ma’ruf Amin has been verbally implementing the communication style of assertive, high context and low context. Assertive communication style can be seen from the way he conveys message and ideas which is not offensive. High context communication syle can be seen from his implicit nature of contextual message. Low context communication syle can be seen from his message which is “to the point”. Non-verbal communication represents the communication style which is passive, assertive and high context. Passive communication style is seen from his eyes which look wistful during his speech in several scenes. Assertive communication style is seen from the way he maintains eye-contact with the audience by staring to the left, right and forward once in a while. High context communication style is seen from the way he performs body languages in which he aften uses emphasizing his verbal message. 2) During his activities as a vice president candidate in presidetial election, Professor Doctor KH. Ma’ruf Amin has been implementing the communication style of assertive, aggressive and high context. Assertive communication style could be seen from the he express ideas which is proper. Aggressive communication style could be seen from his message which tend to be forceful. High context communication style is shown by his implicit message. In the non-verbal communication, he implements the communicaton style of passive, assertive and high context. Passive communication style can be seen from his wistful eyes. Assertive communication style can be seen from his expressive and natural gesture. High context communication style is seen from his eye-contact with audience, serious facial expressions, as well as emphasis on non-verbal messages.