Carers, also named cargivers, are people who dedicate themselves to living in orphanages to
care for orpahns and become parent figure for them. The roles carried out by caregivers are
companion, educator, mentor, motivator, advisor, and the role of the trainer. The research
question of this study are how the role of caregivers in increasing the autonomy of
adolescents in the Women Orphanage „Aisyiyah Yogyakarta, and what are the forms of
autonomy of orphans there. This study aims to find out what are the roles of caregivers in
increasing adolescent autonomy in Women Orphanage „Aisyiyah Yogyakarta and explain the
forms of adolescent autonomy there. This study uses a qualitative approach, and collects data
through observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The subjects of this study
recruited through the purposive technique by deliberately selecting certain people according
to the criteria needed to be used as informants in this study. The informants consisted of 5
people, including 1 caregiver, 2 musrifahs and 2 teenagers fostered at the orphanage. The
results shows that the caregiving process at the orphanage are not optimal for the age and
health condition of the caregiver who is at a late age. The caregiver cannot guide, nurture,
educate, and assist foster youth directly. Therefore, the caregiver's duty is assisted by a
musrifah in terms of assisting, educating, fostering and guiding, and supervising foster youth.
Meanwhile, the caregiver focus in the administration and housekeeping of the orphanage
house. The forms of adolescent autonomy at the orphange include emotional autonomy,
behavio,r and values. Forms of adolescent autonomy are expressed in various activities,
namely religious activities and skills. Religious activities are tahsin, learning religious
konwledge, tahfidz, and tadarus Al-Qur'an. Whereas the skill activities are making batik,
sewing, yoga, craftsmanship, and art.