This research aims at: 1) finding out the forms of students’ misbehaviors, 2) finding out the factors causing students’ misbehaviors, 3) finding out the Islamic education teachers’ strategy in handling the students’ misbehaviors, 4) finding out the successfulness achieved by the Islamic teachers in handling the students’ misbehaviors, 5) finding out the obstacles faced by the Islamic education teachers in handling the students’ misbehaviors, 6) finding out the Islamic education teachers in facing the obstacles in handling the students’ misbehaviors in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul.
This research was qualitative with evaluative descriptive. The subjects of this research were the headmaster, the assistant principal of students, the teachers and the students. The data collection technique was through observation, interview and documentation. For the data analysis, as Miles and Huberman state, it involved data collection, data reduction, data presentation and data triangulation.
The research result shows that: 1) the forms of students’ misbehaviors include: lateness, incomplete uniform identity, long-haired male students, distracted shalat (prayers), class escapes, and hand phone distractions during classes. 2) The factor causing the students misbehaviors is internally due to the lack of students’ awareness and externally due to the lack of parental supervision, promiscuity, and negative environment. 3) The Islamic education teachers’ strategy in handling and preventing the issue is by performing Islamic program, such as shalat and studying the Al-Qur’an literacy. 4) The successfulness achieved by the Islamic education teachers is considered maximum over the last 3 years. 5) The obstacles experienced by the Islamic education is actually derived from the students and the parents. 6) The strategy in facing the obstacles is that the teachers always monitor the students either within the school zone or outside. The Islamic education teachers would communicate the students’ condition with the parents through Whatsapp group and monthly regular meeting.