Hospital is a health service facility provided by the government and the
private sector to serve the community strived to prioritize the commitment to
provide security and comfort to the community, a hospital building must be made
safe and comfortable so that the patients who are being treated therein. The feeling
of security arises from the supporting facilities and infrastructure, one of them is
the hospital's installation.
Hospital installations include several aspects including the electricity
distribution system, artificial lighting (lighting), contact boxes, lightning suppliers,
and other infrastructure. Therefore, an effort to reduce over design, a hospital
electrical installation system is made which processes data to calculate the overall
load of the hospital building in a detailed and accurate way and always complies
with SNI (Indonesian National Standard). It is expected that with the planning of
the electrical installation system is able to support adequate facilities and
infrastructure for building users.
After planning the electrical installation at the Panti Rahayu Hospital, then
the results of the calculation of the installed electrical load is 1331.4 kVA, where
with the simultaneity of a load of 70%, the maximum load is 794.4 kVA with a cos
cos 0.72 value . To improve the value of cos φ then a capacitor bank of 300 kVAR
is needed with a combination of 12 times 25 kVAR on each capacitor so that the
normal load can be 626.7 kVAR with cos φ 0.9. The required PLN subscription
power supply at this hospital is 865 kVA. Based on the calculation of the total load
after repairing the power factor, the capacity of the generator to be installed is
1000 kVA and the capacity of the transformer to be installed is 1250 kVA.