Financial inclusion has become a global agenda. Each country has committed to providing formal financial services to gain productivity and reduce poverty. Using Global Findex 2017 microdata covering 8.366 respondents who are members of the D-8 Organization for Economic Cooperation, this study aims to determine the financial inclusion in D-8 countries from the demand side. The logistic regression method is used to analyze the effect of individual characteristics such as gender, education level, income level, and work status on financial inclusion such as formal account ownership, saving in the formal financial sector and use of formal credit services.. In addition, this study use countries’ variables to see the comparison of financial inclusion between countries D-8. The results of this study are as follow: 1) being male, higher education & high-income individual and status as a worker provides a higher opportunity for account ownership, saving in the formal sector and using formal credit 2) individual characteristics are very influential in the decision to use formal financial services in each D-8 member country. 3) Iran and Malaysia are the countries that have succeeded in providing access to financial inclusion compared to other countries. This research can be a reference for policymakers to make a strategic policy related to financial inclusion in D-8 countries and give more benefit to society in general.