Background: Low Birth Weight (LBW) is a baby born weighing <2500 grams or 5,5 pounds and can occur in all gestational ages. Handling for LBW is by incubator and Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC). KMC is an alternative method for LBW treatment that is easy to apply when the baby is at home, compared to an incubator whose use is more difficult and expensive. KMC is done by attaching the baby to the mother’s chest skin to skin.
Purpose: This study aims to determine the description of the implementation of kangaroo mother care after hospitalization at low birth weight.
Research Metods: This study uses descriptive non-experimental research. Determination of the sample in this study using total sampling with a time limit of one month. The number of respondents in this study were 12 people. Retrieval of data using observation sheets and questionares.
Research Result: Most of the babies have been intermittently KMC at home. KMC is most often done by mothers with a duration of 30-360 minutes per day. Support for the implementation of KMC at home is good. Most respondents have received support from health workers, husbands and families. Only a small proportion of respondents did not get support from friends and people or the community. There are no obstacles in the implementation of KMC at home, but there are still a small number of respondents who experience hassles.
Conclusion: Most LBW are conducted by KMC at home, but practice it still need to be optimized.