The emotions lie behind the actions and the will of mankind. Emotions are also closely intertwined with all the personality that gives color to the mood. Emotion is a biological and psychological state and a series of tendencies for action that exist in every human being in almost every human action driven by the emotion. In the Qur’a>n the phrase "human emotions" is directly related to human behavior, both as individual beings (fardiyah) and social (jamaa'iyah), both in the information aspects of the past, present, and future. In general, in describing the pleasant expression of emotions, the human desires, and the expression of unpleasant emotions that have a negative impact on survival. In the Qur’a>n there are many descriptions and descriptions of the various emotions that humans feel, such as fear, anger, love, hatred, jealousy, envy and so on.
The Qur’a>n as a book of miracles, guidance, counseling the balance of human rational and emotional potential. Education that serves to direct the human spirit, as a creature that is responsible for itself there is fitrah, as well as having positive and negative prediposition that has a balance between biological and psychological tendencies. The way to balance it is education. Education can not be separated from human discussion.
The type and approach of this research patterned library research, ie research that focuses on the literature related to the topics covered, both from primary and secondary data sources. The object of this study is the verses of the Qur’a>n with the approach of science of exegesis. In this case the researcher chose the maudhu'i or thematic tafsir approach with the stages of collecting verses about emotions in the Qur’a>n, interpreting and then analyzing the content and drawn conclusions.
The research concludes: First; The world of education should pay attention to psychological factors because learning activities more related to the activities of the soul. Second; Expression of emotion into
two parts, namely the expression of positive and negative emotions. The expression of positive emotions is a pleasant and desired emotion for everyone. Third; Arranging emotions is important for the development of personality, so educators need to know the growth and development of learners more elegantly. if this is ignored then the impact it provides is to have a bad implication on the culprit