KITAB KUNING DALAM TRADISI PESANTREN (Studi Fenomenologi di Pondok Pesantren Nurul Islam Seribandung Tanjung Batu Ogan Ilir Sumatera Selatan)
Nurul Islam Islamic Boarding School Seribandung places the
kitab kuning as the main reference. The kitab kuning learning process
can be seen from two aspects. First, kitab kuning learning material.
Second, the kitab kuning learning method with the sorogan method or
marak (approaching). The purpose of this study was to describe the
kitab kuning learning model and the motivation of santri to learn kitab
kuning at Islamic boarding schools.
This study uses several approaches, namely the approach of
intellectual social history, content analysis, and phenomenological
approach as the main approach in this study. This study uses two types
of data sources, namely primary data sources and secondary data
sources. In the data analysis of this model there are three components
of analysis, namely; data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion
The findings in this study are the Islamic Nurul Islamic Islamic
Boarding School which still teaches kitab kuning by KH. Anwar, for
example; 1). Kitab at-Taqrir; 2). I’rabul Kalimat; 3). Mafhum al-
Ajurumiyyah; 4). Mafhum ash-Sharf; 5). ‘Aqidah al-Ghulam; 6).
‘Aqaid al-Iman; 7). History of the Prophet Saw Volume 1. with the
method of sorogan or marak, also applying the method of wetonan or
bandongan and memorization. The learning method in Islamic
Boarding Schools has 4 (four) clusters of learning models, namely: 1)
information processing model; 2) social models, (3) personal models,
and (4) behavioral system models, with student learning motivation
influenced by internal factors, where students are indeed keen to enter
this boarding school to study Islamic sciences, especially kitab kuning,
and external factors, kitab kuning learning is arranged in the cottage
curriculum, through a conducive environment in Islamic boarding
schools accompanied by ustadz/ustadzah in learning it. This pattern is
the main attraction in yellow book learning in Nurul Islam Islamic
boarding school.