Based on RI Law no. 20 on National Education System Article 3 of 2003 mentioned one of the national education goals is to create independent generation. Boarding school is one of the educational institutions that has the totality in realizing independence with a full day 24 hour coaching system. This needs to be studied and examined more deeply. This self-reliance research is conducted at Wali songgo NgabarBoarding school, one of Boarding school managed by alumni Darussalam GontorBoarding school, has owned university and has thousands of alumni. This study aims to determine 1) how the view of alumni WaliSongoNgabarBoarding school against independence ?, 2) What factors determine the independence of alumni WaliSongoNgabarBoarding school? and 3) How did the values of ruhiyah obtained from WaliSongoNgabarBoarding schoolintegrated into a form of independence in the life of alumni? This research uses paradigm and method of qualitative phenomenological research. Data collection techniques used are observation techniques, interview techniques, and documentation techniques. Step data analysis is done through data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. Test the validity of the data using triangulation. Based on the result of research indicate that the independence of alumni is obtained from the learning process during the Wali Songgo Ngabar Boarding school in the form of 1) the teaching and learning process in pesantren, 2) the system of habituation in Boarding school, 3) modeling, and 4) the content or value in the boarding school. While the factors that influence the independence of internal factors such as willingness, ruhiyah value, and extrinsic factors such as family environment and the environment of PondokPesantren. The values of ruhiyah obtained from Boarding school have become the capital of alumni in living their lives and they produce new values.
Based on the above findings, the independence of alumni of Boarding school has been prepared by the boarding school with various strageti so that alumni can exist in society. It becomes an excess of education in Boarding school