RELIGIUSITAS PEDAGANG KAKI LIMA DALAM MENINGKATKAN KESEJAHTERAAN KELUARGA (Studi Kasus pada Pedagang Kaki Lima di Kecamatan Maleber Kabupaten Kuningan, Jawa Barat)
Life welfare is always something that is expected, even becomes the purpose of life itself. The life history of the community shows a significant relationship between the depth of religious appreciation and excitement in economic life. Certain groups that are classified as running the religious law more seriously, in their social and personal lives, are more able to adapt to economic life. It cannot be denied that a person's awareness of the implementation of his religious teachings greatly influences the religion of his followers. Religiosity towards Street Vendors will influence their thinking, understanding and religious behavior. Knowledge, understanding, and good religious behavior will give birth to individuals who are calm and tend to be more adaptable, the existence of religion and self-adjustment characterizes mental health or psychological well-being.
The objectives of this study are: To find out and analyze the dimensions of beliefs, worship, appreciation, religious knowledge and dimensions of street vendor practices in improving family welfare in Maleber Village, Kutaraja and Kutamandarakan Kuningan.
This study uses descriptive methods of qualitative research. The researcher used a phenomenological study approach which was deemed relevant to this study. The data collection uses source triangulation and the sampling technique used is purposive sample. The process of data analysis is done by recording the data generated in the field, sorting and classifying and thinking by making the data categories have meaning, so that in the end they get a conclusion.
The results of the study are: 1) The dimensions of the confidence of street vendors are not dominant in improving welfare, but it is enough to color the behavior of street vendors. 2) The dimensions of worship of street vendors are rather less consistent in carrying out their religious teachings. 3) The dimension of knowledge has no impact on the welfare of street vendors. 4) The dimensions of appreciation of street vendors have a rather dominant impact on improving welfare. 5) The dimensions of practice have a very positive impact as well and are the most dominant dimension in improving welfare. The conclusion is that the impact of the attitude and behavior of street vendors in the dimensions of practice and the most dominant dimension of appreciation determines the level of well-being. The better appreciation and practice of religiosity, the more likely it is to increase welfare.