In terms of technological development, the media practice of cutting motorcycle engine can be used as a learning medium base on a motorcycle engine. Media practice of cutting motorcycle engine can help simplify the process of delivering theoretical and practical, to convey the workings and functions of the components in the engine of the motor. In the process of making media lab cutting engine should be based on the study of theory about the function of each of the components contained in it, so that the engine cutting process can be done right. Design honda motorcycle engine stand C100 type is designed using AutoCAD software in 2013, the manufacture of stand, there are several stages, material cutting, welding, and painting. In the process of cutting parts of the engine (engine cutting) through several stages, the first stage is to dismantle the engine components, then cleaning engine components, cutting / cutting engine components, cutting engine paint, assemble engine components, and finally assemble the engine to stand. Manufacture Engine Type Honda C100 cutting machine will be used in automotive repair UMY vocational programs as a means of supporting the practice of Motorcycle Engineering (TSM). "Designing and Making Cutting Stand Honda Motorcycle Engine Type C100" on transmission speed analysis concluded the smaller transmission ratio generated through combining beetwen playing axle and drive axle affect the maximum speed of the vehicle. The analysis of the results obtained transmission speed at 8,000 rpm, the transmission speed obtained 1st speed = 23.07 km / h, 2nd = 38.40 km / h 3rd = 53.10 km / h and a maximum speed in 4th gear = 68, 75 km / h.