Sirkumsisi is the act of cutting or eliminating some or all of the skin of the penis or the preputium front cover. The purpose of that is to clean up from the grime from a variety of causes. If the seen from the terms of religion Sirkumsisi or Khitan the statute is mandatory. Anesthesia on sirkumsisi can be done in General and local. The two most common agents used to provide post-operative analgesia it has on children is Tramadol and Paracetamol. Tramadol stereospasifik tied to receptors of pain in the central nervous system and inhibits the re-uptake of serotonin and noradrenaline from the afferent nervous system so that it will produce analgesia it has effect. Tramadol is extensively used as a painkiller of mild to moderate degree. Paracetamol is drug that inhibits the formation of acetaminophen class Protaglandin in peripheral tissues and does not have inflammatory effects are significant, so it can be used in the treatment of pain and Sirkumsisi. Effect of analgesic paracetamol similar salicylate remove or reduce mild to moderate pain. This research was quasi experimental to know the effectiveness between giving of paracetamol and Tramadol before sirkumsisi. The subject amounted to 36 respondents who have met the criteria for inclusion and exclusion, are divided into two gropus each groupcontains 18 respondents. The first group is the respondent given paracetamol before Sirkumsisi and the second is the Group of respondent given Tramadol before Sirkumsisi. The result of sports data using independent sample test result in the get asymp sig 2 (tiled) is 0,001 (p-value) 0,005 <) there are significant differences between the granting of paracetamol and Tramadol. It was concluded that proved Tramadol more effective than Paracetamol.