This study analyzes the Interpersonal Communication Style of Parents with their deviant behaved children in SMP Negeri 7 Yogyakarta. As for the background of this research is based on the characteristics of children who do deviant behavior in school. Not only are teachers of war important, but parent communication to their children is very important in providing motivation and build a better personality.
The methodology used in this study is descriptive qualitative that relies on the source of in-depth interviews on each family who becomes informants. Technique of taking informant by using purposive sampling that informant selection using certain consideration, The contents of this study in the form of data description and author analysis based on the data obtained.
The conclusions of this study indicate that the family communication style that the researchers found are two assertive styles, and one aggressive style, It can be seen from the characteristics found by researchers in the three pair of informants. However, parents who are already assertive with their children, the nature of the child sometimes do deviant behavior, the researchers found several factors that can affect the child's behavior become distorted, such as social factors, environmental factors, social media factors, the profession of parents, because at the age of children who are still changing can make a child want to try to do deviant behavior.