For learners who do not understand in the form of basic verbs in Japanese, it may cause difficulties when making verb forms, therefore it is necessary to have appropriate, practical and efficient learning methods as learning support to discuss Japanese, especially verbs. The form of responsibility in overcoming the difficulties of beginner learners is by improving the quality of learning. The implementation of learning is very important in education. The Yubihakari method is a finger method innovation. According to the initial inventor of this method, Septi Peni Wulandani, the fingermatic method is a method of counting using fingers. With the innovation of the Yubihakari method, students are expected to be able to understand changes in work form words easily and pleasantly not boring.
Based on the results of the application of the Yubihakari method in learning Japanese for students of SMA N 7 Yogyakarta Academic Year 2017/2018 can be applied and improve learning outcomes indicated by the average results of the post-test results on class XI IPS 1 with the use of Yubihakari method that is equal to 77, 5 with the highest score of 100 and the lowest score of 70. After the implementation of the Yubihakari method, it has a positive influence, it can be seen testing the hypothesis which shows that the significance value obtained is 0.036 smaller than the significance level of 0.05. So it can be concluded that the use of the Yubihakari method can be applied in learning Japanese discussion, especially changes in the basic verb (doushi) and provide a positive influence on the results of Japanese language learning for students of class XI SMA 7 Yogyakarta