The purpose of this study is to find out: (1) Planning (2) Organizing (3) Implementation (4) Supervision in the Sultan Agung Al-Qur'an Education in Pleret Bantul.
This research uses descriptive qualitative approach. The location of this study was carried out at the Sultan Agung Al-Qur'an Education in Pleret Bantul. The subject in this study was the Director, Vice Director, 2 Educators and 4 Persons in charge of the field of Sultan Agung Al-Qur'an Education in Pleret Bantul. Data collection techniques were interview, observation and documentation study. Data analysis technique used Milles and Huberman theory, which consists of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion.
The results of this study indicate that: (1) The planning carried out in the Sultan Agung Al-Qur'an Education viewed from the aspect of the education component, in general, has been designed even though it is still simple, not made in detail yet. (2) Organizing in Sultan Agung's Al-Qur'an Education is carried out by the Director by making duties and authorities. Then the Director also coordinates with all staffs to synergize the tasks given. Even though the director has divided the duties among each person, there is a person who is un-optimal in carrying out his duties. (3) The implementation of Sultan Agung's Al-Qur'an Education in term of the aspect of the education system, in general, has been running as planned, only a few aspects of the education component have not run according to plan such as financial and public relations aspect. (4) Care in Sultan Agung's Al-Qur'an Education is carried out in the form of a joint meeting between the Director and all staffs held every month. Nevertheless, this institution does not have an evaluation standard or an evaluation instrument.