This research was focused on the strategies of the kindergarten teachers of Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Gendingan Yogyakarta Kindergarten in instilling Islamic values to early childhood, and the supporting and obstructing factors of the kindergarten teachers in instilling Islamic values to the early childhood. It used qualitative approach. Qualitative approach is emphasizing on the theory forming based on field notes or inductive theory.
The result of the research covered: (1) The materials of Islamic values in Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Gendingan Yogyakarta Kindergarten included Islamic Education, and introduction to Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah movement organizations as the foundation. In the learning, the students were introduced to Islamic values covering: recognizing Islam faith through Islamic principles, performing prayers through direct practice, Hijaiyah letters, short surahs in Al- Qur’an, addressing some selected surahs in Al-Qur’an, memorizing daily prayers, memorizing selected hadiths, memorizing toyyibah sentences, recognizing Arabic language through some words, recognizing the after- life, recognizing simple tarikh of some prophets and apostles. (2) The strategies conducted by the teachers in instilling Islamic values to the students were through the daily Islamic life habituation implemented inside the school environment. To achieve and to increase a good Islamic Education learning, the teachers were asked by the school to join trainings held by Education authority, health center and both Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah organization to develop the education quality. (3) The supporting factors of the teachers in instilling Islamic values in Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Gendingan Yogyakarta Kindergarten included properties like story books to tell, Islamic flash cards to play, and LCD projector to watch Islamic films. They were effective properties helping the teachers in conducting the teaching learning process. Meanwhile, the obstructing factors included the lack of support from the students’ parents in practicing Islamic values in the families, so that it obstructed the implementation of Islamic values taught in Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Gendingan Yogyakarta Kindergarten to the students.