Ahead of the presidential election, which will be held in April 2019 there is a lot of political tension between the presidential candidates and their supporters. One of the tensions that occurred was the movement of controversy #2019Gantipresiden which lately has caused prolonged conflict. Movement of #2019gantipresiden is a movement to support one of the presidential candidate pairs, Prabowo Subianto - Sandiaga Uno, but in his movements often get rejections from both the community and supporters of other presidential candidates who eventually arise conflicts that cannot be avoided. In recent times, this has become a news item in several national and local print media, like Suara Merdeka, Kedaulatan Rakyat dan Republika. In this case, the researcher has the aim to find out how the news coverage of Suara Merdeka, Kedaulatan Rakyat and Republika, where the data used by researchers is news related to the controversy of movement of #2019Gantipresiden on the Suara Merdeka, Kedaulatan Rakyat dan Republika in the 6-8 September edition of 2018 which were collected by documentation technique, then analyzed using technical analysis model Zhondang Pan and Gerald M. Kosicki. This research resulted in the equation that the news coverage of Suara Merdeka, Kedaulatan Rakyat and Republika newspapers. The viewpoint used by the three newspapers seemed impartial to the #2019Gantipresiden movement, seen by how the three provide reports that tend to be counter to the #2019Gantipresiden movement.