The Smart Indonesia Program (PIP) through the Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) is the provision of educational cash assistance to children of age from poor families, poor vulnerable: owners of the Prosperous Family Card (KKS), participants in the Hope Family Program (PKH), orphans, persons disability, victims of natural disasters with reasons as markers or identities to guarantee and ensure that all school-age children from underprivileged families have been registered as recipients of government assistance, starting from elementary school to senior high school through education formal and informal and non-formal education.
The results of this study indicate that the Role of the Government of Cilacap District Education and Culture Office in the implementation of PIP in Cilacap Regency in 2017 in terms of proposing prospective pip recipients from the education unit, conducts socialization and coordination of pip implementation in its area, collects and serves community complaints in its area , and monitoring and evaluating the implementation of pip in its area, it can be said to be quite good, the Cilacap District Education and Culture Office has carried out its roles and obligations in accordance with the operational standard procedures set out in the technical manual for implementing the Smart Indonesia program so that PIP funds can be channeled according to procedure.
The factors that influence the role of the Cilacap District Education and Culture Office in implementing the Smart Indonesia Program policy are: the availability of adequate facilities and infrastructure to make a supporting factor in disseminating and coordinating the implementation of PIP to run smoothly. The partnership is one of the supporting factors for the implementation of the Smart Indonesia Program, especially in Cilacap District in 2017 in the role of Dinas in terms of monitoring and evaluation, community participation, without any participation in the existence of a policy intended only for the community. While the inhibiting factor in the implementation of the Indonesian Pinntar Program in Cilacap Regency is in terms of budget.
This study suggests that the Cilacap District Education and Culture Office should better monitor the use of funds used by PIP recipient students and further improve socialization to the community even if only a short meeting or gathering.