The development of political issues on social media is one of the effects of easy access to social media for the wider community, so that issues on social media are easily spread to the public. Issues that develop are not only positive issues about the election, but many negative issues that are detrimental to the parties concerned, for example the issue of ownership of foreign businesses allegedly against Prabwo Subianto, communist issues accused of Joko Widodo, and many other issues. other issues that can tarnish the good name and reduce the image of them. Negative issues accused of Jokowi become a challenge for Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin and his winning team to be able to maintain Jokowi's image as a presidential candidate for defense in the 2019 presidential election. dismissing these issues, Jokowi-Ma'ruf and his winning team carried out political branding through social media, especially Twitter social media. Twitter social media was chosen because it is seen from active Twitter users in Indonesia reaching 19.5 million and most Twitter users are people who have the right to vote. Besides Twitter is a social media that is very effective for branding because every tranding topic that appears on Twitter will always be a hot conversation on other social media.
This research was conducted to find out "how the political branding of Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin in the 2019 presidential election on social media twitter, using a qualitative approach and using Nvivo 12 Plus software as data management and qualitative data analysis. Researchers use the Ncapture feature to capture content on a Twitter account that is used as a research sample and then tweets related to the branding indicators used by researchers are coded and adjusted to the three brand indicators, namely: Brand Awareness, Brand Association, and Brand Loyalty. In the results and discussion the researchers present findings from the results of the Nvivo 12 Plus data that shows each Twitter account comparing Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin with the three brand indicators above. Each Twitter account shows different results so that the discussion presents the results of the analysis of the findings on Nvivo 12 Plus where there are two dominant brand dimensions used to compare Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin on Twitter social media accounts namely Brad Association and Brand Loyalty which shows that the fame of Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin is arguably still stable in the community, shown by the high percentage of the Brand Association of 66.00%, then when viewed from the side of the loyalty of the supporters is also still high is shown by the high percentage of the Brand Loyalty percentage of 63.00%.